Welcome to the "DG Scales and Chords" website!
This site uses the following technologies:
- The Jekyll software framework was used to generate the site's pages and structure;
- The interactive menus and tabs are part of the jQuery UI framework;
- All the research on Scales, and Chords, including the data pages of this website, were done using the Ruby programming language.
- This site includes more than 530 HTML pages and more than 12,720 SVG images.
The content of this website is also available in the form of printed books, for those interested in musical scales, who want to keep a paper-based copy at hand.
- Synthetic Musical Scales
- Index of Known Musical Scales - Keyboard Edition
- Keyboard Chords
- Ukelele Chord Patterns
- Guitar Chord Patterns
Diego is the author of "Ruby Facil", a book teaching Ruby programming in Spanish; the book is currently in its 3rd Edition (since 2013).
Diego is also the author of 17 interactive Android applications that explore chords and scales for various musical instruments. You can find these applications at: https://sites.google.com/site/dgandroidapplications/.
Enjoy your visit!